Albert Hofmann’s Bike Ride Blotter Art.

On 19 April 1943, Chemist Albert Hofmann intentionally ingested 250 µg of LSD. This day is now known as “Bicycle Day”, because he began to feel the effects of the drug as he rode home on a bike. This was the world’s first intentional LSD trip. According to Wikipedia, the celebration of Bicycle Day originated in DeKalb, Illinois, in 1985, when Thomas B. Roberts, then a Professor at Northern Illinois University, invented the name “Bicycle Day” when he founded the first celebration at his home.

The Bike Ride design originally green, blue,red,yellow,black and white has been declined in hundreds , if not thousands of colors and shape variations since is appearance in 1993. It is said that the person who designed it is well known yet wants to remain anonymous, not wanting to claim paternity over this design. The below galleries feature all the Bike Ride related sheets I currently have in my collection and I’ll be adding new ones as they come.

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