Podcast : deep dive into Kevin Baron’s interview

Kevin Barron made the Holy Grail of blotter art, which I didn’t know before this interview. Here is your chance to read more about him and blotter art history.
- – Can you tell us your real name and artist name?
Kevin Barron
- – Date and place of birth?
16th May … Too Long Ago … Waterlooville U.K.
- – Nationality ?
- – What make you choose your artist name?
I use my real Name but sometimes I’m ELEUSIS.
- – Where do you live now?
- – Can you tell us about your academic / artistic background ?
B.A & M.A of Fine Arts in painting and printmaking
- – How and when did you discover blotter art ?
- – What drew you into creating your own blotter art ?
Nobody else around to do it at the time
- – How many blotter art pieces did you make ?
More than 1
- – Who printed and perforated your pieces then and now ?
A printer in Sausalito, California, now myself
- – What do you feel makes blotter art a unique art form ?
It has a specific purpose.
- – What has blotter art brought to your creative process?
I have used it, and continue to use it, as a template for my fine art work.
- – What was your first blotter art creation ?
Silver and dark blue shields.

- – What blotter art piece you made is your favorite and why?
Purple and gold ” Shield” signed by Albert Hofmann

- – Do you have a blotter art collection besides your own creations? If yes what is your most valuable piece?
Well I don’t collect however, I can tell you what I believe is the most valuable blotter. The images below are from my LSD 50th which were released in April 1993. I’m not sure but I think they were the first commemorative blotters for the 50th. 5 sheets of 1000/sheet were dipped but the remaining 2995 sheets were seized by the police when I was arrested. However, I mailed Mark McCloud a proof sheet which is undoubtedly the only one in existence. I figure that has to be the rarest.

- – What blotter art piece you didn’t make is your favorite and why?
Sorcerer’s apprentice, early piece and the symbolism for LSD
- – Which other blotter artist do you like/admire?
Don’t know anyone
- – On a collector stand point, vintage vs vanity?
Vintage. “If it ain’t dipped…”
- – What is your opinion about people tearing up blotter art to sell shards or so called “minis”?
- – A word about your NFT project?
The NFT Project is a gateway I hope to Introducing others to blotter art
- – Do you have a website where you sell your blotter art ? If not where can people buy your creations?
My website: LSD25NFT.COM
- – Anything blotter art related you would like to add?
It’s not about the big square but the small one